The Boldest Pop-Up

An evening of bold ideas and cultural commentary from Shawn Kanungo. Connect with creative minds as we explore the latest trends and groundbreaking ideas that are shaping our culture and society.

We are creating an elevated experience for all attendees. Key highlights include:

  • Transportation to and from your residence or office, taking you to a secret location in the city's downtown core.

  • Incredible drinks and the time to network with a curated group of attendees.

  • A provocative, never-seen-before talk from Shawn Kanungo that will be recorded for digital platforms. He’ll also share actionable ideas that have never been discussed in his content or anywhere else.

  • A book signing and live audience Q&A.

    SPACE WILL BE LIMITED (40 guests)

Tour dates.

October 18 at 7:00pm

Toronto, ON

Apply Now

October 3 at 7:00pm

Vancouver, BC

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November 14 at 7:00pm

Calgary, AB

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December 11 at 7:00pm

New York, NY

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It will be electric.